Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thanksgiving at the Ranch!
This year Twin Valley Ranch guests, friends and family are planning to celebrate and feast at the Rustic Barn Restuarant! As always we are planning to enjoy the day with our horsey friends.
Starting the day at the crack of dawn. Feeding all the hungry mouths.........horses, donkey, Rosie ( sheep), Dillie ( pig), Grinder/Mickcy ( fainting goats), a whole herd of cats. chickens /2 rabbits and of course the Goosey Goose (friendly Henry)! After making the rounds we will enjoy a BIG Country Breakfast of biscuits/gravy, farm fresh eggs, bacon, juice/coffee and friut. Then off to the barn to groom and saddle the horses for the days adventure!
We will ride, yeeehaaa, play games, run some hills, until lunch by the half acrea spring fed pond ,then those of us who are tough enough will get in the saddle and do it again! Then it is back to the barn for evening feeding, riding in the back of the pickup with the dog, grain, hay and a bunch of laughing faces!
Those who are not into riding a horse will be fishing, hiking or enjoying the ballgame.
Now, it is about dark and we have definately worked up an appitite with the days adventures and all the fresh air! Quick shower and off to feast on the glorious meal that Miss Barbara and her helpers Michelle, and Penny has prepared for us. Big buffet of Turkey and all the trimmings, desserts, drink and best of all good company. Even if it is your first time there you will feel like family..........southern hospitality at its finest.
I wish to invite anyone ,with no holiday plans, to PLEASE join us! It will be a night and meal to remember, surrounded by warm country folks! And of course the hot wood stove and sound of holiday Christian music will give us all pause to the many blessings that God has given us!
Dinner at the Rustic Barn Restuarant is by reservation only so you must call me or Barbara! ( 865 ) 379-42756
Dinner includes everything for only 14.95 and is all you can eat.
If you have not signed up to ride or need lodging please call me. I still have a few openings left!
Starting the day at the crack of dawn. Feeding all the hungry mouths.........horses, donkey, Rosie ( sheep), Dillie ( pig), Grinder/Mickcy ( fainting goats), a whole herd of cats. chickens /2 rabbits and of course the Goosey Goose (friendly Henry)! After making the rounds we will enjoy a BIG Country Breakfast of biscuits/gravy, farm fresh eggs, bacon, juice/coffee and friut. Then off to the barn to groom and saddle the horses for the days adventure!
We will ride, yeeehaaa, play games, run some hills, until lunch by the half acrea spring fed pond ,then those of us who are tough enough will get in the saddle and do it again! Then it is back to the barn for evening feeding, riding in the back of the pickup with the dog, grain, hay and a bunch of laughing faces!
Those who are not into riding a horse will be fishing, hiking or enjoying the ballgame.
Now, it is about dark and we have definately worked up an appitite with the days adventures and all the fresh air! Quick shower and off to feast on the glorious meal that Miss Barbara and her helpers Michelle, and Penny has prepared for us. Big buffet of Turkey and all the trimmings, desserts, drink and best of all good company. Even if it is your first time there you will feel like family..........southern hospitality at its finest.
I wish to invite anyone ,with no holiday plans, to PLEASE join us! It will be a night and meal to remember, surrounded by warm country folks! And of course the hot wood stove and sound of holiday Christian music will give us all pause to the many blessings that God has given us!
Dinner at the Rustic Barn Restuarant is by reservation only so you must call me or Barbara! ( 865 ) 379-42756
Dinner includes everything for only 14.95 and is all you can eat.
If you have not signed up to ride or need lodging please call me. I still have a few openings left!
horseback riidng,
Rustic Barn Restuarant,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Good Morning World~How do you do!!!

Twin Valley Ranch has a 27 year tradition of greeting the morning off the front porch of the lodge, overlooking the beautiful Chilhowee mountain range!
My late husband, Tip, started this when we first built the lodge in the 80's.
Greet the morning, holler real loud, blow the horn and big shell and wake up all the neighbors!
AND listen..............sometimes we get an answer.
Greet the morning, holler real loud, blow the horn and big shell and wake up all the neighbors!
AND listen..............sometimes we get an answer.
I been told that you can hear the echo all across the valley up to 2 miles! YES, that is good.
"get out of bed , right now." The beautiful morning and day is awaiting YOU.
The mountain is different each morning. Sometimes foggy, clear or under snow. Never the same............just enjoy God's creation and feel his presence all around.
So now........we continue Tip's tradition and share it with folks from all over the country and world. Some folks have even continued the tradition off their front porches! Some of those "sub-division" neighbors just do not seem to see the sense of this! Oh well........We know.
Come join us in greeting the morning............
Good Morning World~How do you do!
Get out of bed right now!!!!!!!!! woooohooooo.
"get out of bed , right now." The beautiful morning and day is awaiting YOU.
The mountain is different each morning. Sometimes foggy, clear or under snow. Never the same............just enjoy God's creation and feel his presence all around.
So now........we continue Tip's tradition and share it with folks from all over the country and world. Some folks have even continued the tradition off their front porches! Some of those "sub-division" neighbors just do not seem to see the sense of this! Oh well........We know.
Come join us in greeting the morning............
Good Morning World~How do you do!
Get out of bed right now!!!!!!!!! woooohooooo.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Old Timers Festival in the Smokies
Next weekend is Old Timers Festival weekend in Townsend Tn. Great fun for all ages! Come join us for fun at the Ranch.........riding, fishing, hiking, swinging on the porch, campfires.................then short drive to Townsend and Great Smoky Mountain National Park for more fun with the old timers!
Sept. 25 - 26: 17th Annual Heritage Festival and Old Timers' DayCelebrates mountain and Appalachian arts and crafts. Features demonstrations, bluegrass and mountain music, an antique tractor and engine show, storytelling, children’s activities, crafts by local artisans, basketry, spinning, weaving, sorghum molasses, apple butter making, lye soap, beekeeping, and blacksmithing. 865-448-6134.
You will NOT want to miss this opportunity to experience our old time country living.
Sept. 25 - 26: 17th Annual Heritage Festival and Old Timers' DayCelebrates mountain and Appalachian arts and crafts. Features demonstrations, bluegrass and mountain music, an antique tractor and engine show, storytelling, children’s activities, crafts by local artisans, basketry, spinning, weaving, sorghum molasses, apple butter making, lye soap, beekeeping, and blacksmithing. 865-448-6134.
You will NOT want to miss this opportunity to experience our old time country living.
horseback riding,
old timers day,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cowgirls in the Making!
Just gave the best horseback riding lesson to two of the cutest little girls here from IL on vacation. One is almost 5 yrs and will be a true cowgirl one day and her sister is only 2 yrs old and talks in complete sentences that only she understands!
They took turns riding Miss Ruthie, our oldest and best horse in the world. Now, just because she is old does not mean that she is lazy or stubborn. Nothing could be further from the truth.
She LOVES to go fast, but only when you ask her and you never have to kick her because she knows voice commands and listens to even a 5 yr old!
In the lessons I lunge Ruthie so that the child can do excercises to improve confidence and balance and not have to worry about control. We even ride without hands, stirrups and our eyes shut! They love to do " Around the World in 30 seconds" and steer the horse around the barrels.
Cowgirls Rule!
They took turns riding Miss Ruthie, our oldest and best horse in the world. Now, just because she is old does not mean that she is lazy or stubborn. Nothing could be further from the truth.
She LOVES to go fast, but only when you ask her and you never have to kick her because she knows voice commands and listens to even a 5 yr old!
In the lessons I lunge Ruthie so that the child can do excercises to improve confidence and balance and not have to worry about control. We even ride without hands, stirrups and our eyes shut! They love to do " Around the World in 30 seconds" and steer the horse around the barrels.
Cowgirls Rule!
around the world,
horseback riding,
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Winter Wonderland in the Smokies
Winter is here and as usual in East TN. it comes and goes throughout the winter months.
One day it will be very COLD ( below 25) and the next it will be 50 degrees! This past season we had over a week of extremly cold temps but we all survived and now enjoying the usual up and downs.
Horseback riding in the winter can be awesome but the key to a great time is to dress in many, many layers! Long johns, polar fleece materials ( they will hold warmth even when wet just like wool) thick gloves, head and neck warmers and of course a winter coat. Several pairs of socks and good, not too tight, waterproof/insulated boots is very helpful. Many folks invest in those little toe and hand warmers. One time use but will last up to 7 hours. You just need to plan on layers and not worry about too many! You can always take off and tie to the saddles.
We will have about another month of winter and then spring will be here! It is not too late to get some fun mountain winter riding it!
One day it will be very COLD ( below 25) and the next it will be 50 degrees! This past season we had over a week of extremly cold temps but we all survived and now enjoying the usual up and downs.
Horseback riding in the winter can be awesome but the key to a great time is to dress in many, many layers! Long johns, polar fleece materials ( they will hold warmth even when wet just like wool) thick gloves, head and neck warmers and of course a winter coat. Several pairs of socks and good, not too tight, waterproof/insulated boots is very helpful. Many folks invest in those little toe and hand warmers. One time use but will last up to 7 hours. You just need to plan on layers and not worry about too many! You can always take off and tie to the saddles.
We will have about another month of winter and then spring will be here! It is not too late to get some fun mountain winter riding it!
horseback riding,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Fall Colors
Ok, East Tennessee ( Smoky Mountains) are finally turning some really pretty fall colors.
You all just have to some see them! Went riding today up the mountain and it was awesome!
Some yellows, orange and bright red. Red is my favorite and some years they are better than others. They are a bit late but I think the cold weather we had sure made them pop out pretty.
Fall is the best time to ride.There are no bugs, heat or yellow jackets! The horses love it and are always more energetic to get out there and have fun! Some groups like to trot and canter and others just want to see the pretty leaves. Either way you will have a great time.
You can come and just ride or stay in one of our neat cabin/private units or a room in the traditional b&b.
fall colors,
horseback riding,
trail riding,
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