Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter at the Ranch

Winter Wonderland in the Smokies

Winter is here and as usual in East TN. it comes and goes throughout the winter months.

One day it will be very COLD ( below 25) and the next it will be 50 degrees! This past season we had over a week of extremly cold temps but we all survived and now enjoying the usual up and downs.

Horseback riding in the winter can be awesome but the key to a great time is to dress in many, many layers! Long johns, polar fleece materials ( they will hold warmth even when wet just like wool) thick gloves, head and neck warmers and of course a winter coat. Several pairs of socks and good, not too tight, waterproof/insulated boots is very helpful. Many folks invest in those little toe and hand warmers. One time use but will last up to 7 hours. You just need to plan on layers and not worry about too many! You can always take off and tie to the saddles.

We will have about another month of winter and then spring will be here! It is not too late to get some fun mountain winter riding it!